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How Long Do Mermaids Live?

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Have you ever wondered how long mermaids live or if mermaids can die? We will do our best to answer these questions.

Eternal Youth
Have you wondered why mermaids typically appear youthful? Some believe that under the sea, there is a magical water like the fountain of youth which mermaids use to stay young forever.

Extended Longevity
While mermaids are part human they don’t have the life expectancy of the average person. Mermaids age at a lot slower rate than humans so they can live for hundreds and even thousands of years. Mermaids are also able to use mermaid magic to offset the effects of aging.

Many believe mermaids are immortal and cannot die. Mermaids will live forever in the sea and in our hearts.

What do you think? Do mermaids live forever, or how long do they live? Please leave a comment to let us know your thoughts.

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