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Is a Mermaid a Siren?

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When you hear the word mermaid, what comes to mind? You might think of a half-fish half-human creature swimming through the water. There is another creature similar to a mermaid called a siren. These two creatures can look identical which has led to some confusion of whether a mermaid is a siren? Let’s dive in and see if these two creatures are the same or if there are differences.

What is a Mermaid?
While mermaids and sirens have similar characteristics, they are quite different. Mermaids are sweet, kind, and defenders of the sea. They are depicted as loving all forms of life and saving people in danger. Mermaids also have magical powers they use to control the sea and heal injuries.

What is a Siren?
While sirens have similar physique to a mermaid, they are extremely different. Sirens are known for luring sailors with their enchanting songs. Once the sailors get close, the sirens drag them into the ocean never to be seen again. Sirens are evil and are not nice like mermaids.

Since mermaids and sirens have similar appearances, they can be easily confused. However, even though they look similar, they are very different. Mermaids are sweet and loving creatures while sirens are not. So, swim and be like a mermaid.

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