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Top Movies and Shows about Mermaids

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Mermaids have captivated our minds for centuries. We love mermaids so much that Mermaid movies have been created to entertain us and transport us into the magical world of mermaids. There have been many movies made about mermaids ranging from family-friendly adventures to romantic comedies which raises the question, what are the top movies about mermaids?

Top 5 Mermaid Movies and Shows

There are many good movies and shows about mermaids. We are going to share our top 5 mermaid movies and shows.

  1. The Little mermaid (1989)

Our number 1 film is the Disney classic, The Little Mermaid. We are all familiar with Ariel and her journey of falling in love with Prince Eric, selling her voice to Ursula to become a human. Ursula tries to steal Ariel’s soul, but King Triton, Prince Eric and Ariel defeat Ursula and Ariel and Prince Eric live happily ever after.

  1. The Little Mermaid live action (2023)

Since The Little Mermaid was so popular, recently Disney came out with The Little Mermaid Live Action movie. Like the original, Ariel tries to make Prince Eric fall in love with her in 3 days or lose her soul to Ursula. Full of adventure, new songs, and excitement, this live action expounds on the original with beautiful visuals and themes. It is one of Disney’s best live action remakes.

  1. Aquamarine (2006)

In Aquamarine, friends Hailey and Claire stumbled upon a mermaid washed up on the beach. The girls embark on a journey to help the mermaid, Aquamarine, find her human boyfriend. They help Aquamarine find her boyfriend in an adventure full of fun, friendship, and love.  

  1. Splash (1984)

Splash is a classic romantic comedy. Allen Bauer, an 8 year old, is on a trip with his family on the coast of Cape Cod. He falls off the boat and is saved from drowning by a mermaid named Madison. As an adult, Allen returns to the Cape Cod and runs into Madison once again. Allen and Madison fall in love, but Allen doesn’t realize that Madison is the mermaid he met as a child. Once he realizes she is a mermaid, Allen must choose to accept her or let her go.

5. H2O: Just Add Water

H20: Just add water is an Austrian series about three teenage girls, Emma, Cleo, and Rikki. Their lives are dramatically changed after they stumbled upon a moon pool during a full moon. The pool grants them the power to transform into mermaids ten seconds after contact with water. Each girl has her own abilities with water. Emma can freeze it. Cleo can control it, and Rikki can boil it. The show explores themes of friendship, adventure, and accepting the unexpected. It’s a fun and engaging show for all mermaid lovers.

Now that you know our top 5 mermaid movies and shows, pop some popcorn, grab a seat,  and start watching these marvelous mermaid movies.

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